Online collaboration

Could your child-friendly project benefit from engaging, co-creating or placemaking virtually with young consultants?
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For public, private and third sector organisations who need a quick, easy and cost-effective way of accessing and consulting groups of young people. Our online collaboration services enable truly effective engagement, co-creation and place-making with children and young people.

Our innovative virtual approaches combine video conferencing, a digital workspace and targeted recruitment, to deliver unrivalled co-creative possibilities around developing child-friendly places and services.

Online Collaboration with Children and Young People - West Edinburgh Outdoor Learning Evaluation with Primary Schools

West Edinburgh Primary Schools Outdoor Learning Evaluation

Whether as a component of or follow-up to your offline activities, or as an ongoing resource or standalone project, we’ll mobilise the right young team –global, national, local- to deliver you the answers and wisdom upon which success depends. 

Could your child-friendly project benefit from engaging, co creating or placemaking virtually with young consultants?

Mural board from COVID-19 project

“Children are human beings to whom respect is due, superior to us by reason of their innocence and of the greater possibilities of their future”  

Maria Montessori

Online Collaboration with Children and Young People - Covid-19 Project with Young Scotgs

Case study: Covid-19 Project with Scottish Children and Young People

During the Covid-19 pandemic, APiC are engaging with young people aged 10-16 from across Scotland in self-funded workshops. The outcomes have attracted national attention, including a page 2-3 double-spread in the Scotland on Sunday.

The projects addresses the lack of young voices in the national debate around control measures, and gives them opportunity to express their biggest changes, challenges, and potential solutions to these. The results are prioritising improvements to remote schooling and social isolation.

All activities are led and facilitated by the teams in breakout groups, before convening periodically to share and agree main outcomes. This the only UK-wide project which has enabled young people’s in-depth, meaningful, and collaborative participation around the crisis response. 

“I found it really beneficial and it really felt good for me to get my point and my feelings across about the full situation and feel like I was making some sort of difference around it. So I found it really enjoyable getting my opinion across and hearing other opinions” Aimee, Young Consultant, Age 16