
Do you have a place, policy, practice or service for children and young people for which you need specialist and bespoke consultancy?
Get in touch

For public, private, and third sector clients who need to develop or test place-based policies, practices or services for and with children and young people.

Our consultancy services are tailored to your goals, requirements and budget, and are underpinned by specialist knowledge and experience of how to ensure they best fit the needs and priorities of young people. 

“I thought it was really good for children to get their point across because it’s quite often adults they think they’re the bosses and they’re only people who can make decisions so I thought it was really fun and I got to work with other young people”

David, Young Consultant, 10 years old

Consulting services - engaging with primary schoolchildren

Do you have a place, policy, practice or service for Children and Young People for which you need specialist bespoke Consultancy?

“A person’s a person, no matter how small”

Dr Seuss

Consultancy - Place Standard Tool for Children and Young People

Case study: Developing a Place Standard Tool for Children and Young People

Working in partnership with Play Scotland, we helped young Scottish citizens to co-create two new versions of the Place Standard Tool to use with children and with young people.

Applying our knowledge of best practice and child development, we also developed guidance and process cheat sheets which might give inexperienced adults the confidence to enable and support young people to facilitate their own Place Standard Tool conversations and outcomes. 

“APiC are the sector experts at delivering to high-level organisational and project objectives, without ever compromising their core values or commitment to faithfully representing young people’s rights, needs and voices” Client Testimonial