Join our co-founder Jenny for a special RTPI event

A Place in Childhood’s co-founder Jenny Wood is one of the experts on child-friendly planning to present at an upcoming event.

The ‘Child-Friendly Planning’ event has been organised by the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI)’s South East Scotland chapter. The event follows the groundbreaking publication of a nationwide review into Child Friendly Planning. Launched in November 2019 and lead-authored by Jenny, this research looked into the child-friendliness of planning policy across the UK.

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown just how important it is to plan our environments with the input of children and young people. As our research during the pandemic showed, young people’s views have largely been missing from the crisis response.

The free event is scheduled for 5th November 2020, from 4pm to 5pm, and will be held virtually. Jenny will be presenting alongside Erin Fulton from PAS. You can register for ‘Child Friendly Planning’ over on the RTPI’s website.