Research and evaluation
Have a child-related research or evaluation question? Need a partner or collaborator with peerless credentials and actionable results with academic rigour and weight? Get in touchFor public, private, and third sector organisations who need the highest-quality inquiry or reporting to inform policy and decision-making. Our academic research and evaluation services leverage unrivalled academic experience and credentials in all areas of child-related research.
Our Executive Team and Board include PhD-level expertise in outdoor learning, children’s rights and policy, psychology (educational, developmental and environmental), town planning, and landscape architecture.
Our knowledge and experience span all manner of qualitative, statistical, online and systems-based methodologies. We have a proven track record at experimental, desk, and strategic, research and analysis. Our team has led successful projects ranging from single interventions through to global reviews and studies.
So if you have a child-related research or evaluation question, and need a partner or collaborator with peerless credentials, and actionable results with academic rigour & weight?

“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it”

Case study: Child-Friendly Planning in the UK: A Review
A high-profile desk-research project and report commissioned by the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) to assess the extent to which planning policies across UK nations can be considered ‘child-friendly’ with relation to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. A Place in Childhood were co-authors of the report with ZCD Architects and the RTPI.
“’I couldn’t recommend APiC more as a research partner or collaborator. I was very impressed with their research design and analysis and their attention to detail. They have a real energy and passion for what they do and can be relied on for work of an exceptionally high quality” Dinah Bornat, Director and Co-Founder, ZCD Architects